RMNC NEWS FEED! Reverse Mortgage News.

The Reverse Mortgage News Courier provides industry leaders and seniors with latest Reverse Mortgage and Real Estate Finance education and news. http://www.reversemortgagenewscourier.com

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Greetings from the National Reverse Mortgage Education Center.  Over the next few weeks we will be making a number of improvements and changes to our website and the educational resources and services we offer so we may better serve your needs.

One change we are considering is to discontinue providing surveys.  Although we believe they can provide you with valuable insight into the industry, participation has been insufficient to make the results reliable.

We would like to hear back from you on whether we should continue providing surveys.  Also, we would appreciate knowing what subjects you would be interested in having surveyed.

Currently, we have two surveys available.  The results as of November 28, 2006 are as follows:

#1  On an average how many reverse mortgages do you close each month?

44 responses

48%   0 to 3
27%   4 to 6
5%     7 to 9
5%     10 to 12
16%   more than 12

Almost half of those who responded are closing 3 or less a month.  Seven participants close 12 or more a month.  Those are telling statistics.  Again, we would have liked more participation to ensure the results of this survey were accurate.

To participate in this survey visit:  http://www.nrmec.org/News.html

#2  How would you rate the level of competition for reverse mortgages in your local market?

47 responses

8%    Competition is extreme, I compete for every customer, severely impacting my production
26%   Growing competition, I compete for more than half of my customers, I am alarmed at the impact on my production
30%   Competition is present, I compete for less than half of my customers, it is having an impact on my production
28%   Some competition, I occasionally have to compete for a customer, very little, if any, impact on my production
8%    Competition is non-existent, I never compete for a customer, no impact on my production

This survey required the participant to include their state.  Unfortunately, there was not sufficient participation to break the results down by state and provide any significant results.

To participate in this survey visit:  http://www.nrmec.org/Survey.html

Please reply to this email and let us know if you would like for us to continue providing surveys on our website.  More importantly, if you haven't already, please participate in the current surveys.

If we receive sufficient interest, we will continue to provide new surveys.

Thank you.


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